Measures for promotion of national integration and solidarity

National Integration of PakistanNational Integration of Pakistan

National integration and solidarity

In order to understand the meaning of national integration, we must, first of all, have a clear comprehension of the terms like ‘Nation’ and Nationality. The concept of ‘Nationality’ first defined in distinct terms by the Muslim historiographer and sociologist. Ibn -e-Khaldun; he gave it the name of ‘Ame girl said that the sentiment of nationhood (Asabiya) forms the basis of civil life, anti the rise and fall of human groups greatly depend on this sentiment.

Among the modern western political scientists Laski is the person who has defined ‘Nationality’ in clear terms, according to him, the feeling of nationhood ‘marks off those who share in it from the rest of mankind’. This implies that if a particular group of people develops a feeling that they are one among themselves, and the factors that make them one mark them off and separate them from the rest of humanity, the group of people turns into nationality and taking a step forward, this rationality transforms itself into a nation. (Nation is a nationality having political aspirations.)

national integration, we simply mean that the people of Pakistan should forget their linguistic, They should know that they are Muslims and Pakistani first and all their other identities are subservient to their Islamic identity. Pakistan is like a big picture, different language, tribes, clans, customs and traditions are like the different colour of this picture. Every colour is important in its own place, erasing it will mean spoiling the picture itself. But these colours taken apart from the picture have no existence or meaning, these are beautiful and meaningful only up till the time they are placed at their appropriate place in the picture. Removing colour from the picture will spoil goth the picture and the colour. Each colour should remain steadfast in its position as a colour and should not try to take the place of the picture.

National Disintegration

This is a normal course, passing through which, unidentifiable groups of people gradually develop into well-defined and identifiable national groups. Members of any group of people are, generally, different form each other in many respects, and at the same time they have certain, things in common. But for one reason or another, they are inclined to formed Reasons that separate the numbers of a civil society from one another, or in other forget their differences and strengthen their bonds of unity when this happens, a nation is words, the points of difference they have, are called ‘centrifugal forces’.


In the following lines we shall discuss each of these separately:

Spreading Religious Education: This was the religions sentiment of the people South East Asia that served as a be driving force behind the creation of Pakistan. Pakistan was achieved only because the Muslims of this region wanted to model their lives according to the tenets of Islam. Keeping the religious consideration supreme, they forgot all the differences of language, race, culture and geography that divided them. Problems of national integration that we face, are only due to the reason that we have forgotten the lesson of fraternity and brotherhood our religion has taught us.

“. . . . And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah (stretches our for you), and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude Allah’s favor on you; for ye were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so by His Grace, ye became brethren  To remine the people of Pakistan this forgotten lesson of unity and brotherhood true spirit of Islamic fraternity needs to be revived. This can be done by infusing ii them the true understanding of Islam through enlightened Islamic education.

Revival of the National Spirit Based on Two Nation Theory:

Two Nation Theory was a practical programmer for enabling the Muslims of South East Asia to model their lives on Islamic ideals, in private and public affairs. Pakistan, in other words was created with the sole objective of safeguarding the spiritual identity as well a! The physical existence of the Muslims in this area. We must make our countrymen, realize that our existence is directly related with the existence of Pakistan, if Pakistan lives, we live, we have no existence independent of our national existence.

  Promotion of Islamic Culture and Tradition

Individual and collective lives of people of Pakistan bear a deep imprint of Islam to whatever region, a racial linguistic group they may belong to. Local customs and traditions, side by side, with the racial, parochial, and cast differences are also common. These are remnants of the uncivilized local traditions. These things divide people, create bitterness in their feelings, and sow the seeds of discord among them. This situation can be remedied by promoting Islamic cultural values.

Application of Media for Nation Building

Media print as well as electronic can play an important role in the promotion of a national outlook and in dispelling the negative   sentiments of parochialism and regionalism. Radio and television programmers need to be useful and purpose directed. They should serve the cause of educating the people about Pakistan Ideology, they should inform the people about the objectives be useful and purpose erected. They should serve the people about the educating the people about Pakistan ideology, they should inform the people about the objectives of our freedom struggle, they should infuse in them love for Pakistan and tell them what spiritual, economic and moral benefits our freedom has brought to us.

Promotion of Urdu:

People in different areas of Pakistan speak different languages. All these languages are written in the same script. All Pakistani languages contain valuable treasure of prose, poetry and religious literature. But our regional region; this is our common national heritage. During the days of our between different areas of the country. Urdu is not the language of a particular region; this is our common national heritage. During the days of our freedom struggle Urdu emerged as a strong symbol of our national identity. Muslims from all parts of India, rendered sacrifices for the defense of Urdu, although for most of them Urdu was a second language; it was not their mother tongue F e r the promotion of national cohesion and identity Urdu should be adopted as the dim of instruction at all levels as well as the language of the official business.


Pakistan is like a big picture, different language, tribes, clans, customs and traditions are like the different colour of this picture. Every colour is important in its own place, erasing it will mean spoiling the picture itself. But these colours taken apart from the picture have no existence or meaning, these are beautiful and meaningful only up till the time they are placed at their appropriate place in the picture. Removing colour from the picture will spoil goth the picture and the colour. Each colour should remain steadfast in its position as colour and should not try to take the place of the picture

By Editor Pakistan Studies

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