The ideology of Pakistan in the light of sayings of Allama Iqbal

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The Ideology of Pakistan

The Ideology of Pakistan was the consciousness of the Muslims in the historical perspective of the South Asian sub-continent that they were a separate nation on the basis of the Islamic ideology. No doubt Islamic ideology is the base of the ideology of Pakistan so the basic fundamentals of Islam are also the bases of the Ideology of  Pakistan.

Ideology of Pakistan & Different Scholars

Ideology of Pakistan is defined by the different scholars as: –

1. Syed Ali Abbas 

Syed Ali Abbas former professor of history defined ideology of Pakistan as. 

“Ideology of Pakistan and the Ideology of Islam have the same meaning. Actually, the ideology of Pakistan is the practical shape of teachings of Islam.”

2. Dr. Aslam Syed 

Dr. Aslam Syed defined the ideology of Pakistan as. 

“Ideology of Pakistan is the name of moulding of individual and collective lives  according to Islam and also of saving form conflicting ideologies.”

3. Allama Allaud-Din-Siddiqui 

A well known scholar Allama Allaud-Din-Siddiqui defined ideology of  Pakistan as. 

“Ideology of Pakistan is the name of implementation of Islamic  principles on persons. On groups & on government and Islam should be  stronger than the strongest forces here” 

Allama Iqbal & Ideology of Pakistan

Allama Iqbal was the person who for the first time gave the concept of a separate state  for the Muslims keeping in view the Two Nation Theory. He clearly explained the  Ideology of Pakistan in his sayings and poetry.

Aflame Iqbal and Ideology of Pakistan:

1. Separate Recognition of Muslims:

Allama lqbal made it clear that the Muslims have the separate recognition from the  Hindus on the base of religion and culture. In this regard he said 

“India is not a country, it is a Sub-continent of human beings belonging  to different languages and practicing different religions. Muslim nation  has its own religious and cultural identity.”

2. Condemnation of Western Democratic Concepts:

Allama lqbal was strongly against the western concept of Democracy. Despite flourishing all over the world, this system cannot provide solution of the problem of  Islamic world. Iqbal was of the view that all social and political problems can be solved with the help of Islamic system.He said, (Western democracy is devoid of  depth, it has merely an attractive out look.)

3. Concept of separate MuslimState:

Dr. Muhammad Allama Iqbal was great supporter and preacher of separate Muslim  state. He gave this idea of separate state for the Muslims in 1930 while addressing the  annual meeting of All India Muslim league in Allah Abad,

“I want to see the Punjab, NWFP, Sindh and Balochistan in the form of  one homogenous state. Whether India gets independences under the

crown of England or out of it, I think independent state of western  provinces is the destiny of the people living there.”

4. Commendation of Idea of Single Nation:

In March, 1909 when lqbal was asked to address a meeting held by Minvra Raj  Amritsar but he refused to address that meeting & said.

“I remained the supporter of this idea but now I am of the view that  preservation of separate nationhood is useful for Hindus and Muslims birth.  To have the concept of single nation in India is no doubt poetic and beautiful  but impractical regarding present circumstances.”

5. Concept of Two Nation Theory:

Allama Iqbal explaining the two nation theory as:

“Despite living together for 1000 years, Hindus and Muslims have their own  individual ideologies so the only solution of political conflict in India is to  have a separate independent parliament for each nation.”

6. Eradication of Racial & Regional Prejudices:

Allama Iqbal rejected the Racial & Regional Prejudices.Once he said in this regard as: “Concept of nation and homeland is confusing the Muslims. That is why  Islamic humane objects are becoming dim. It is also possible that these  concepts may destroy the real concepts of Islam.”

7. Explanation of Relation of Islam& politics:

Allam Iqbal was in the favour of basic concept that politics is a part of religion  (Islam)and Islam provides complete guidance about it,

“Islam does not consider matter and soul separate from each other. Allah,  Universe and state all are the basic elements of single unit. Man is not so alien  that he should leave worldly affairs for the sake of religion.”

8. Islam is complete code of life

In the annual meeting of Muslim League on December 29, 1930 at Allahabad, he said, “Islam is not the name of some beliefs and customs but it is a compete code of  life. In, Europe, religion is every one’s personal matter which dividesthe  human oneness into two opposite parts i.e. body and soul. In contrast to that  in Islam, God, Universe, soul, matter, sate and religions are bound to each  other or in other words Muslims are one nation”

9. Islam is a lively power

In his Allahabad address he said:

“Islam is a lively power which frees human mind from thoughts country  and race. If we understand this thing then we can be the leaders of  prominent Indian civilization.”

10. Islam is the way to success 

Allama Iqbal said in relation to Islam:

“The lesson which I learnt from history is that Islam always helped  the Muslims. Even today, Ideology of Islam can save your being from destruction by uniting your divided powers”.

11. No other ideology of life than Islam

On the publication of his poem, “Khazr-e-Rah” people started to call Allama Iqbal as  communist. He rejected this balance firstly in his essayand then in a letter to All-e Ahmed Sarwur in 1937. He said: 

“To me capitalism, communism and other isms of this world have no  importance. Islam is the only reality which is the reason of salvation. To  have a contract with any other ism is just like to be out of Islam.”

12. Opposition of Nationalism

He described the reason of opposition of nationalism in the words:  “I am opposed to nationalism, not because if it is allowed to develop in  India. It is likely to bring less material gain to Muslims. I am opposed to  it because I see in it the germs of atheistic materialism which I look  upon as the greatest danger to modern humanity”

13. Separate Existence of Muslims

The fact is that even the enemies acknowledge that it was Iqbal who made the idea of  a distinct Muslim Nationhood crystal clear in the minds of the masses. A bigoted  Hindu leader Madan Mohan Malwiya once remarked.

“Before Iqbal, we had not the slightest idea that the Muslims possessed  a separate existence in India. We regarded them to be a part of a  common nationalism”

14. Foundation of Pakistan

Allama Iqbal not only put forward the proposal of Pakistan’s creation by uniting the  Muslim majority provinces of north-western India, he also explicitly pointed out the  foundations on which this state was to be established and was to function. He said:

“To address this session of All India Muslim League you have selected a  man who is not despaired of Islam as a living force for freeing the  outlook of man from its geographical limitations, who believes that  religion is a power of utmost importance in the life of individual as well  as states.”

15. Unity of Muslim World

Allama Iqbal was a great supporter of Muslims Unity. He gave the message to the  Nation of unity, equality, fraternity & tolerance. He also declared that there is no any  concept of discrimination on the base of colour, cast and creed in Islam. The message  of unity of the Muslim World can be seen in his poetry as. 

ایک ہوں مسلم حرم کی پاسبانی کے لیے 

نیل کے ساحل سے لے کے تا بخاک کاشغر 

16. Geographical Limitations of Mankind

According to Allama Iqbal, Islam is a practical way to eliminate the artificial  distinctions of race and nation and to transcend beyond the geographical limitations of  mankind. He wanted to established Muslim nationality on ideological lines:

Allama lqbal categorically stated that the Hindus and the Muslims can’t live together  in one state, and that the Muslims would succeed in making their own separate state  sooner or later. He advocated the separate nationhood of Muslims. Declaring Islam a  complete code of life Allama lqbal in the annual Session of All India Muslim League at Allahabad in 1930, demanded a Muslim state in the North West of the sub continent.

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