Role of Muslim LeagueRole of Muslim League

Role of the Muslim League in the creation of Pakistan

Role of the Muslim League Role of the Muslim League in the struggle movement for Pakistan is great. The All-India Muslim League was a political party established in 1906 at (Dhaka) British India. Its strong advocacy for the establishment of a separate Muslim Pakistan successfully led to the partition of India in 1947 by the British Empire.

Muslim League Spokesperson of Muslims

Muslim league was the only spokesperson Party which represented the Muslims in India. Muslim league decided to concentrate on their community. It works on protecting their rights and interests. Muslim League adopted the strategies envisaged by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan’s Ali Garh Movement. It adopted the principle of cooperative, supportive, and accommodative constructive politics since its inception.

separate electorate

demand for a separate electorate for the Muslims in 1906 to secure an effective Muslim representation in elected bodies. In March 1940, the Muslim League demanded a separate state for the Muslims. They presented demand on their “distinct outlook on life and of life.”

Election of 1945-46

All India Muslim League contested the 1946 elections on two major counts: it was the sole representative of the Muslims and stood for establishing an independent and sovereign Pakistan. The Muslim League was always ready to work with all political stakeholders of India, whether it was Round table

conferences(1930-32 Cripps Mission 1942, Cabinet Mission Plan 1946, and 3rd June Plan 1947. But, it never surrendered the demand of a separate homeland for Muslims. It never compromised the Muslim interest in the subcontinent. The last seven years (1940-47) were crucial in realising the Muslim demand for a separate homeland. During this period, the Muslim League became a mass party with strong roots among Muslims all over British India.

The climax of its activities used to be all-India annual and special sessions. Muslims would attend these sessions from the remotest corner of the subcontinent. During its final phase, Quaid-i-Azam M.A. Jinnah transformed it into a mass party with active branches in all the provinces of British India.

Despite limited resources in funding and propaganda, the party successfully mobilized the Muslim masses of every school of thought to support its demand for Pakistan. Its lasting contribution is the formation of Pakistan, achieved within a decade of commencing this phase of its historic struggle.

Book on Ideology of Pakistan 

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