Important events paved way for the adoption of the Lahore Resolution
Background of Lahore Resolution
The Lahore Resolution is the most significant landmark in the history of our freedom struggle. In the month of March 1940, the Muslim of India adopted a resolution embodying their national objectives and expressing their firm commitment to make all out efforts for the achievement of these objectives. Important events and factors that led to the adoption of this Resolution are summed up here:
The Two Nation Theory
The Muslims, by virtue of their faith, are a nation separate and distinct from all other nations of the World. Their spiritual and national aspirations could only be realized in a state which was Islamic in nature.
Hindu Extremism
The Muslims had lived with the Hindus as neighbors and compatriots for about one thousand years. On the basis of their experience they could not expect good neighborly treatment from the extremist Hindus, who had already made it clear that the Muslims had no place in India, they should either embrace Hinduism or quit India.
Iqbal’s (RA) Allahabad Address
Delivering his presidential address at the annual session of the Muslim League held in December 1930, poet-philosopher Allama Muhammad Iqbal (RA) said that the north-western part of the Indian sub-continent was predominantly Muslim, that Muslims living in these areas form a distinct and separate national entity and that their rights in any future constitution should be determined this light.
Oppressive Congress Rule
Congress ministries were formed in seven out of the eleven Indian provinces, these governments worked till 1939. Bad governance and the oppressive rule of the congress ministries created general discontentment and despair among the Muslims. Demand for a separate Muslim homeland was its immediate outcome.
Popularity of the Muslim League
The Quaid-e-Azam (RA) kept persistently in touch with the Muslims during the oppressive Congress rule, he was successful in impressing upon them that a horrible future lies ahead them if the Congress were entrusted authority to rule the whole of India. As a result of the Quaid-e-Azam’s (RA) efforts the Muslim League which had failed to attract the Muslim masses in 1937 elections, emerged as the sole representative of the Muslim nation in 1945-46 elections.
The Lahore resolution 1940 summary
Historic Muslim League session was held in 1940 in Lahore. Addressing a rally of more than a hundred thousand people after the jum’a prayers on March 22, the Quid-e-Azam (RA) said:
“…..under the plea of unity of India and one nation, which does not exist, it is sought to pursue here the line of one central government. We know that the history of the last twelve hundred years has failed to achieve unity, and has witnessed India and Muslim India…… Musalamans are a nation according to any definition of a nation, and they must have their homeland. We wish to live in peace and harmony with our neighbours as a free and independent people.”
Adoption Of The Lahore Resolution
The Resolution was moved on March 23, by the Bengal Chief Minister Maulvi Fazl-ul-Haq. The Resolution which later came to be known as the “Pakistan Resolution” was adopted in the last session of the meeting on March,24. First Pakistan Day was celebrated on March, 23 1941.
The Lahore Resolution gave a direction to the political struggle of the Muslims, and within a short span of seven years time the Muslims were able to achieve their cherished goal; Pakistan.