From JINNAH to ZIA by Chief Justice Muhammad Munir
This book “does not claim to be a history of Pakistan-. Its less ambitious format is defined as being “a part of that history namely- the ideological and geographical changes in Pakistan” The author maintains that the Quaid-i-Azam never used the words “ideology of Pakistan” laying emphasis on Quaid’s speech of August II, 1947, to prove that. the pattern of government that the Quaid-i-Azam had in mind was a secular, democratic government-. The scene, however, changed with Liaqat Ali Khan’s objective resolution, which the author contrast with the Quaid’s vision of Pakistani Polity, pointing out five points of difference involving the question of sovereignty of God or people, the existence and non-existence of religious minorities in Pakistan.
Mr Munir points out how the Taxation system of the early days of Islam cannot be adopted in its original form to cope with the needs of a modern state. The view that everything is possible provided it is not contrary to the Quran and Sunnah alone can save these taxes, because in the Quran and Hadis there is nothing against most of them. But in that case, you will have to say goodbye to the claim that Niazam-i-Mustafa or Quran and Sunnah provide solutions to everything under the sun.
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