Reminders Of Him by Colleen Hoover Audiobook

Colleen HooverColleen Hoover

Reminders Of Him by Colleen Hoover, Full Audiobook

Reminders Of Him by Colleen Hoover NewYork bestselling author, Full Audiobook, is available to download free of cost.

Colleen Hoover is an American novelist who writes romance and literature for young adults. She rose to prominence in the romance writing world in 2016 by publishing her book. It Ends with Us. Before being taken up by a publishing house, several of her works were initially released through her own imprint. As of the month of October 2022, Hoover has made more than 20 million dollars from the sale of his novels.

Remiders of him by Colleen Hoover
Reminders of him by Colleen Hoover

This tale of a disturbed young mother’s yearning for a second chance at atonement is written by Colleen Hoover, who has been ranked as the number one bestselling author in New York Times history. Kenna Rowan hopes to find her daughter, who is now four years old when she returns to the village where everything went wrong for her after serving five years in jail for a mistake that led to a fatal outcome.

However, it appears that Kenna’s actions have rendered it impossible to reconstruct the bridges. No matter how hard Kenna tries to prove herself, everyone in her daughter’s life is determined to exclude her even though she has worked so hard.

Ledger Ward, the proprietor of a local pub and one of the few surviving links to Kenna’s daughter, is the only one who has not entirely shut the door on her. He is the only person who has not completely closed the door on her.

However, if it were discovered that Ledger is gradually becoming a vital part of Kenna’s life, they would risk losing the trust of everyone who is significant to them. Despite the pressure placed on them, the two manage to create a relationship with one another, but as their passion develops, so makes the threat.

For Kenna to create a future that is based on hope and healing, she needs to find a way to forgive herself for the mistakes she has made in the past.

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